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Ice and snow thickness in the Baltic Sea

ice thickness 669476 snow thickness 669476
ice thickness 103932 snow thickness 103932
ice thickness 100655 snow thickness 100655
ice thickness 100661 snow thickness 100661
ice thickness 103931 snow thickness 103931
ice thickness 671968 snow thickness 671968
ice thickness 669794 snow thickness 669794
ice thickness 100652 snow thickness 100652
ice thickness 100667 snow thickness 100667
ice thickness 100661 snow thickness 100661
ice thickness 100653 snow thickness 100653
ice thickness 103933 snow thickness 103933
ice thickness 100651 snow thickness 100651
ice thickness 671970 snow thickness 671970
ice thickness 669461 snow thickness 669461
ice thickness 100663 snow thickness 100663
ice thickness 100671 snow thickness 100671
ice thickness 106956 snow thickness 106956

These pages contain visualizations of measured sea ice and snow thickness from FMI internal database. For each station, the current year is compared with the climatology. The climatology data, spanning nearly 30 years, has been interpolated to weekly resolution. The figures include maximum, minimum, mean, 90th percentile, and 10th percentile values for ice and snow thickness. The thickness values have been multiplied by –1 for visualization purposes. The ice and snow season is defined to start from October 1st and end on May 31st.

ObsSea4Clim is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.